Construction & Construction Supplier
In addition to digitalization, the construction industry is exposed to growing global competition, declining margins, the occurrence of quality defects, and the demand for process optimization (lean management). At the same time, the ever-increasing requirements and needs of the target groups and the growing complexity of products and systems due to smart home and digitalization are being met by the sometimes limited qualifications of those carrying out the work and a persistent shortage of skilled workers.
To achieve the best possible results, construction companies, planning offices and suppliers must be well connected at all times and make the interlocking processes as efficient as possible. This applies to the specific processes in the actual construction project, but also to the targeted customer approach from sales and marketing.
Do you know the new challenges?
Nowadays building is very complex, and the construction industry has become increasingly dynamic in the recent years. This has also created new challenges for you.
New legal regulations and requirements (BIM)
Tight schedules / profit and margin pressure
Complex structures
Increasing competitive and sales pressure
The digitalized construction industry needs collect and map as much information as possible centrally in order to stand out from the crowd by means of digital products and services.The spectrum ranges from the evaluation of stakeholder analyses and supply chain representations to digitalized processes and workflows. A standardized data exchange format is indispensable nowadays.
Your opportunity - optimized, consistently mapped processes
for higher stability, quality improvement and adherence to deadlines and costs.
With a central platform tailored to your individual needs that creates a uniform data structure right from the start thanks to seamless integration of CRM and ERP, you can offer your customers greater stability, adherence to deadlines and costs, and a decisive increase in quality. Intelligent interfaces dissolve inefficient data silos and ensure greater transparency and productivity in day-to-day operations - an enormous reduction in workload for your employees.
As a result, you can achieve process optimization of up to 30% (lean management) and thus also increase the reliability of all those involved in planning from <50% to up to 80%. This has an enormous effect on the project duration (up to 20% gain in construction time).
You create an increase in efficiency, become faster on the market,expand your business in a targeted manner and can react ad hoc and personalized to emerging sales opportunities. Get ready for the digital future and increase the productivity of your entire value chain.
Our customer FingerHaus reports:
Our offer
Digitalization holds a lot of potential for the construction industry/suppliers. Today, it is essential to start promptly with the digital transformation and to optimize more and more processes so that you remain competitive in the future.
Continuous processes

From Practice:

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